Saturday, March 08, 2008

Royal Flash, From the Flashman Papers

Take a peek at this book. I found it on a "Funny Fiction" List from my library. It was indeed funny. I am not sure about an excerpt, since the main character is a little... well, himself and not always appropriate. In fact rarely appropriate, but very funny. He is a MAJOR coward who has been decorated for bravery in war (I am planning on reading the first book to find out how that happened) and he looks at every situation in a way that provides the best outcome for HIM. Fortunately the situations are ridiculous. Funny adventure book.

Also read off the funny books list:

Faith Fox (not funny)

Mapp and Lucia (very funny! Hurrah it's also a series!)

1 comment:

aj burke said...

I've SEEN the tv series!!! It is sooo good! :-)