Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well, since Uncle Paul is deviating with some action - I think I will add a little chick reading! I barely have a chance to read so when I do it is strictly for FUN! I think mostly because you can pick up a book after a week and remember what is going on.

The last book I read was "Hot Stuff" by one of my favorite chick writers Janet Evanovich. I doubt you learn much from this book, but it is still fun to read. If you are in the neighborhood, my mother was going to drop it off at grandma's house.


Leah said...

Love this book, I think I've already actually read all the obscure Evonavich titles (I searched them on Amazon and bought them all).

Leah said...

Love this book. At one time I did a search for all obscure Evanovich's and read them. I had to buy most used off of Amazon so they should all be around...somewhere out there. Some of her early romance novels are pretty bad, I read them anyway. I still think she is funny even before she gets polished up. I am jealous when I hear someone has never read any of her books because they have the opportunity in front of them of reading them all!

Anonymous said...

People should read this.

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