Tuesday, March 14, 2006

You don't want to read what I'm reading

I just thought I'd say hello and thanks to Cali for setting up the blog. I just checked out three books from the law library on what law school is like, and I doubt you want to read those, although on her 'vacation' here this week, Mom managed to get through two of them. Paul, any reading recommendations for a person thinking about going into Tax Law? Please don't say the U.S. Tax Code. ;-P
I would offer my recent reads as suggestions, but I have a feeling no one will find them very interesting. I recently read a couple more Paul Theroux books - he is a long-time travel author who became famous for his books about travelling by train (in Asia and down the Americas)...he also does fiction. I am in the middle of The Black Sheep by Honore de Balzac. This is my second book of his and I am enjoying his wry commentary on the maneuvering of the French after the Revolution to advance their political/social status. I am also slowly trudging through Schindler's List, and I wonder WHY this ever became such a hit?? The story is important, of course, but the way it is written is confusing and tedious! Finally, I picked up 'Avoiding Prison and other Noble Vacation Goals' at the used bookstore the other day...this young woman has a quirky sense of humor that is getting me through the book, but her idiotic tendency to fall in love with guys in or just about to be in prison in Central American countries is kind of exasperating.
So, to conclude, you don't want to read what I'm reading.
(But I thought I would let you know, in case you wondered why I hadn't posted anything.)

1 comment:

Cali said...

I looked up "Avoiding Prison" in my library catalogue and it is lost! I am getting so frustrated with this library. Everything is lost because they are in an interim location while the new fabulous building (which is several blocks closer) is being built. Too bad we are moving before the awesome library opens!