Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The Jane Austen Book Club


Here is the link to Amazon's listing of 'The Jane Austen Book Club', which I just finished. If you haven't read the Austens it will just be a quick, shallow read for you. For those who have, the Austen mimicry in the book club members' storylines is there to consider.



Cali said...

I ordered this from my library but there were 9 holds on it before me! Popular book. I'm in a Jane Austen mood since Jeremy and I just watched the new Pride and Pred. I was reluctant to watch it (not as reluctant as Jeremy) because I didn't know why we needed a new version when the BBC version is so great. However, we both ended up enjoying it because of the beatiful camera work. It was a very visual represenation of the story. Worth it for that alone.

aj burke said...

Hmmm. I still haven't seen it, though I'm sure I will someday. I heard that they don't even kiss in the end, though! How disappointing! Is that true??