Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Small Island

This is a really well written book. It is written from four different people's perspectives during WWII in England, Jamaica and India. One of my favorite passages is written from one of the Jamaican character's perspectives:
"But for my I had just one question - let me ask the Mother Country just this one simple question: how come England did not know me?...It was inconceivable taht we Jamaicans, we West Indians, we members of the British Empire would not fly to the Mother Country's defence when there was threat. But, tell me, if Jamaica was in trouble, is there any major, any general, any sergeant who would have been able to find that dear island? Give me a map, let me see if Tommy Atkins or Lady Havealot can point to Jamaica. Let us watch them turning the page round, screwing up their eyes to look, turning it over to see if perhaps the region was lost on the back, before shrugging defeat. But give me that map, blindfold me, spin me round three times and I, dizzy and dazed, would still place my finger squarely on the Mother Country."
Entertaining and a very different perspective of England.

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