Friday, September 07, 2007

Madeline L'Engle

Madeline L'Engle died yesterday. I'm including the link to the NY Times article, if you are interested.

"A Wrinkle in Time" affected me in ways that few other books have. I still have nightmares which include scenes from that book. I was never able to read any of her other books. I think I began "A Wind in the Door" and had to stop, because the nightmares were too much to take. I also think she installed in me a deep seeded fear of suburbia.

That said, I loved "A Wrinkle in Time" because it was so vivid for me. I probably won't re-read it, though.


Cali said...

I liked the Wrinkle in Time series, but there was another one of hers that I LOVED. I just can't remember which it was. Maybe Camilla. I also read a circle of quiet which was the first of her autobiographical books. She is a great writer.

deeb said...

hmm, maybe I could read the autobiographical books and not have nightmares. I really liked her writing, but I couldn't sleep after reading that book for a really long time.