Sunday, September 23, 2007

Lost Author!

I read this great book a couple of weeks ago and then I forgot the title and the author so I can't get any more of them from the library! Help, help, help! Ok, her first name was MAYBE Phyllis and the book I read was about 2 look a like girls who switched places. She's a current author, but writes in a more "Austen-like" style. In fact she may have written a sequel to an Austen or Bronte book if I remember right. Anybody know who this is? I would like to read more of her stuff.

Also, I am looking for a clean and comfy reading chair for my classroom. I need something for story time so remember me if you are wanting to get rid of a chair...I will carry it away for you! I've been checking Craig's list, but so far the free or cheap chairs look pretty gross.


Paul said...

I know who your talking about, it's the Olsen twins!

Leah said...

I pretty sure you're right, Uncle Paul is the expert on the Olsen twins having watched WAY more of those awful movies with Madeline than any of the rest of us.

Beth said...

I have a chair - how about 2 - or maybe 3. We will have to check with Aunt Laurel and Uncle Mark first! I have a very lovely - very lovely green already plasicy recliner type. The plastic advantage is you can sterilize it. So all the snotty childrens' germs can be taken away! See you need to come see me.