Friday, February 17, 2006

Amelia Peabody Series

I also really like the Amelia Peabody series by Elizabeth Peters. She is sort of like Ms. Pollifax but she is an Egyptologist. My mom said that Elizabeth Peters had real archeology creditials so that is probably why they are so good. It is good silly mystery/fiction with solid Egyptology thrown in.


Cali said...

Which title should I start with?

Leah said...

the first one of course... Curse of the Pharohs. They are fun. I just started a new one something about a mummy. Also, I finished Fr. Joe, it was good. Sad end. The monk dies.

Cali said...

What! You can't go around just spurting out endings like that! I was going to check that out from the library today. Now I don't know...

Leah said...

oops, sorry, but he gets old. it isn't a secret that he gets older as the book goes on! Still a good book. And besides that, he starts the book wishing Fr. Joe were still alive SO THERE.