Monday, February 27, 2006

An Embarrassment of Mangoes

So, I hesitated to get this book at the library this weekend. The premise was a bit dangerous - a couple Canadians quit their jobs to sail off to the Caribbean for a couple years. It could be REALLY BAD, but it's not. It's actually quite good.

I'm not done yet, but there is only one continually irritating theme: she includes recipe's for things like papaya salad (for when you have too much left over papaya), mango salsa, curried lobster, conch of every variety, shrimp that were caught that morning, etc. ad nauseum.

I don't have any shrimp that were caught this morning! I don't have any left over papaya! ARG!

The other surprise at the library had to do with the Hitchhiker's Guide. I tried to get it in book form, but it was all checked out. I did find it on tape/CD... as read by STEPHEN FRY! I'm beginning tonight!



Leah said...

I don't think I can read that. It will make me hungry. I won't have papaya or fresh seafood, I live in the mid-west. So, I'm sure I will eat ice cream which will be a disaster since I wanted to lose weight before summer, not gain it. Let us know how the hitchhiker goes!

Cali said...

Yeah, if the audio version is great I may need to revise my wish list...

deeb said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I listened to him for 3 hours last night! He's really good. Wow.
